The Mother of All Musicals! The jewel of Broadway's Golden Age, Gypsy boasts an incomparable score, a brilliantly conceived book, and one of the greatest leading roles ever to grace the Broadway stage.

Venny Carranza
The Cast.
Music Director
Amy Gleave

Shellie Thomas

Rehearsal SM
Jalee Scott

Production SM
Jayme Castle
The ultimate stage mother. Lives her life vicariously through her two daughters, whom she's put into show business. She is loud, brash, pushy and single-minded, but at times can be doting and charming. Her voice is the ultimate powerful Broadway belt. Minimal dance but must move well. Strong Mezzo/Alto with good low notes and belt.
Female, Range F3 to C5, 35 - 50
Agent for Rose's children and Rose's boyfriend and a possible husband number 4. He has a heart of gold but also has the power to defend the people he loves with strength. Minimum dance. A Baritone, sings in one group number, two duets and trio with Rose and Louise. Strong acting role.
Baby Louise years later (plays ages 19-27), Pushed aside by Rose in favor of June, until June leaves the act, and tries to make Louise a star. She becomes the famous Stripper Gypsy Rose Lee. Strong singer, must move well.
​Male, range C3 to D4, 35 - 50
​Female, range C# to Eb, 18 - 27
Baby June years later (plays ages 16-25), pretty, talented and is frustrated with Rose's donination. Must be a good dancer, baton twirling and splits a must.
Female, range G3 to F5, 16 - 24
Baby Louise
8-12 years old-Always played second fiddle to June. She is shy and awkward.
Baby June
7-11 years old-Sugary sweet, cute, precious, twirl baton and do splits. Must sing and dance very well.
Tessa Tura
A stripper, just past her prime, big Broadway voice, strong movement. A Burlesque dancer that shares her dressing room wih Louise, she was once a ballerina and still has some of the moves. Sings, "Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick"
A stripper, just past her prime, big Broadway voice, strong movement, ditzy and sweet. Sings, "Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick"
A stripper, just past her prime, big Broadway voice, strong movement, plays trumpet badly. Sings, "Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick"
Extremely strong dancer, singer. Sings "All I Need Is The Girl". Also part of the Broadway/Farm Boys. Dreams of having his own act.
Mr. Goldstone
Uncle Jocko
Representative of the Orpheum Circuit (Books the Act)
Hotel manager in Akron, has seen all of the tricks show-biz people play.
Vaudeville master of ceremonies as a weely kiddie talent show. Hates Stage Mothers.
Broadyway/Farm boys
Hollywood Blondes/ Toreadorables/ Garden Eden Girls
Rose's father, does not believe that she or the girls, will amount to anything.
Burlesque manager in Wichita
Burlesque Stage Manager in Wichita, has seen it all.
Theater Manager in Los Angeles, does not want to hire the act.
Must sing and dance.
Agnes: Strong Comedian, sings and dances.
Marjorie May: Sings and dances.
Dolores: Sings and dances.
Thelma: Sings and dances.
Miss Cratchitt
The Production Assistant for the Grantzinger Theater in NYC-Comedic role.
Bright Personalities, Must sing and dance. Will play: Stage Mothers, Stage hands, Renee, Hotel Guests, Apartment Tenants, etc.
Female, range C4 to E5, 8 - 12
Female, range C4 to E5, 7 - 11
Female, range C# to Db, 30-55
Female, range B3 to D5, 30 +
Female, range G3 to D5, 30 +
Male, range C3 to G5, 18 - 25
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
Combined ensemble roles
The Performances.
Thursday, July 25th
Friday, July 26th
Saturday, July 27th
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
Thursday, August 1st
Friday, August 2nd
Saturday, August 3rd
Saturday, August 3rd
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
2:00 pm
7:30 pm
Thursday, August 8th
Friday, August 9th
Saturday, August 10th
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
7:30 pm
The Auditions.
Monday, March 11 and Tuesday, March 12, 2024
6:15pm - 8:45pm @ The Electric Theater - Lower Level -Room 2 on Monday - Room 3 on Tuesday
*Video Submissions will be accepted for those unable to attend in person.
Please prepare a thirty second to one-minute dramatic monologue AND 36 bars of a song in the style of the show.
Callbacks will be by invitation only - Wednesday, March 13, 2023
Rehearsals are June. 10 - July 24, Monday through Thursday from 6 to 10 pm.
Please know that The Stage Door insists on providing a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming environment. Auditioning, participating, and casting is open to all and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
We are committed to providing a safe and creative
environment for artistic expression.
"Gypsy" is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatrical.